Sincerely Yours, Laura Ingalls Wilder

With Kathleen Boswell
| 12:45 p.m. | Washington Library

Historical reenactor Kathleen Boswell will present the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder starting with the time period after the Little House books end. Her presentation will cover Laura’s move to Missouri in 1894 and why the author wrote the books late in life. The performance will illustrate why Laura’s story is important to the world and why it’s particularly special to Missouri.

Kathleen Boswell


Kathleen Boswell

Kathleen has been a big fan of Laura Wilder since she first read the books in fifth grade and is delighted to be given the chance to perform as her. She waited until she was old enough to portray Laura at the age when she wrote the books.
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Washington, MO, August 25–27

Mark your calendars for the next Missouri Book Festival: September 13–14, 2024!